NOCH 2006 New Items and '20% More' Extra Value Items "> NOCH 2006 New Items and '20% More' Extra Value Items ">
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Monday, December 04, 2006

NOCH 2006 New Items and '20% More' Extra Value Items

UPDATE: click here for a list of 20% more products in stock as of December 4th

Noch 2006 New Items are now arriving and we have now posted the full list, complete with images for all items. Check out the full list by clicking here and take a look at out latest arrivals section to see which 2006 new items are in-stock and ready to ship.

Noch has also launched an '20% More' promotion where most of their trees, grass, lichen and other landscaping products come with 20% more product at the regular price. These bonus packs have just arrived and will be distributed on a first-come first serve basis* while our stock lasts.

* we cannot offer any guarantee that you will receive a '20% More' package. '20% More' packages available as supplies last.


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