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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Welcome to the new

We are all excited to bring you our new website after many months of work by our staff and web team.  On first glance, you may not notice that much has changed. Part of our goal with this process was to keep the overall look and feel that so many of you have complimented us on.  We did not feel there was any need to reinvent the wheel as they say.

So what did we do?

The major part of the redesign process was to make the site fully responsive for different devices and browser sizes.  When viewing our previous site on mobile devices and smaller tablets, you often had to pinch and zoom to read the text on the site.  The new site is fully mobile-friendly and will automatically adapt to the size of browser window you are viewing it on.  Searching our catalog and placing an order should now almost as easy on your phone (a bit more scrolling!) as it is on your desktop computer.  You may also notice that on large monitors our site is now a slightly wider by default so we can fit in more information on a screen.

When browsing or searching our product catalog you now have the option to view our products in either a list or grid view. We still haven’t decided which one we like using more. We have also increased the size of our thumbnail images on these pages (by popular demand).

We also did a bit of cleaning up and moving a few things around.  You will find a few new links to our most popular pages at the top of the site and in our navigation window.  These pages are always the most visited on our site so we did not want to hide them away anymore.  

Looking ‘under the hood’, we are excited to say that our server is now almost 5 times faster than before. You should notice everything responds a bit faster now, even when the site is under a heavy load (e.g. when we send an email about a new sale).

For our customers who have the newest ‘retina’ and hi-dpi displays and monitors, you will also notice that our site will now appear much sharper as all the text, logos, and images on our site have been optimized for these higher resolution displays.    

The downside to all the improvements we have made is that some viewers of our website using older, outdated web browsers may find that they are unable to view our site properly. We have done our best to minimize this impact and ensure our site works on as many web browsers as possible.  If you are using a older web browser, we highly recommend you update to a newer version if only to ensure that your online security is not compromised. Many older browser versions are no longer getting security updates and known problems are not getting patched.

Stay tuned as we still have a few new features to roll out in the coming days and weeks, including a new updated photo gallery and some improvements to help you search our site faster.

If you have any comments, concerns or feature recommendations, please let us know at

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Spring in Germany