Since, after the formation of the DRG, ithad been established that in particularthe vehicle fleet of the south-west GermanReichsbahn directorate was heavily overaged,many coaches were handed over tothat directorate. In this way, 2500 Prussiancompartment coaches came to the southwestand about 1000 to Saxony by 1929.After the abolition of the 3rd class, theprevious so-called heavy-handluggagecoaches ("Traglastenwagen") of the masterdrawing editions were additionallyequipped with seat benches according todrawing Ib 11. After the modification,they were all classified as C3u Pr 04/30 -a particularity that was actually atypicaland makes the identification of the originaltype of construction more difficult. Theyounger ones could still be identified bythe pressed-sheet axle guards and thesteps instead of the ladder at the car''send wall. Despite the procurement of newstandardised coaches ("Einheitswagen"),the DRG could not do without thecompartmentcoaches for the time being.In 1935, over 7000 C3 Pr 11 coacheswere counted, and around 4000 C3tr pr13 coaches around 3000 of which weremeanwhile running without heavy-handluggagecompartment.
• Road no.: 57 252 Altona
• Interior Lighting 2212
• Coupler pocket and close coupling
• With interior fittings
• AC pick-up can be retrofitted # 2212
• Replacement wheel set for AC 2188