The passenger coach fleet of the DB after1945 was characterised by severe lossesand extreme shortage. The first thing thereforewas to get everything running thathad wheels. During necessary inspections,many brakeman''s cabins that had remainedwere removed, the installation of newmetal plates continued, and electric lightinginstalled. This resulted in the typical DBcompartment coach at the end of the50ies that had a relatively smooth outwardappearance. In the early 50ies, the DB hadbegun to bring the undercarriages ofcompartmentcoaches to a uniform standardand to equip them with new vehicle bodies.The "converted coach" ("Umbauwagen")was born. The numbers were nowdwindlingrapidly, and at the end of the50ies, compartment coaches were alreadyrare at the DB. The last of them rolledontothe dead-end siding upon the ban ofcoaches with wooden bodies.
• Road no.: 057 780 Han