In the mid-20s, DRG began significantly upgrading travel comfort inits Order no. express and passenger train networks. Apart from thenewly-acquired two-axle models, it started to use above all four- axlecompartment waggons on long-distance lines (e. g. Munich - Berlinexpress trains). From 1928, the company tried out several four-axlecorridorcarriages with open transitions for future use in this kind oftransport. These test waggons proved a success, and from 1930 thecompany purchased more than 1,000 B, BC and C4i models in riveteddesign. Characteristic for these waggons was that the B part alwayshad single-wing doors, while the C part featured double doors. Then,when advances in welding technology could also be applied in wagonbuilding, it was time to upgrade the old construction type. Therefore,in 1935 three BC and three C test waggons were bought, which led tomass production of these types in almost unchanged design. Despitethe weight savings, the welded waggons offered fewer seats than theirriveted predecessors because DRG designed the passenger compartmentsmore spaciously. Included here were for instance larger windows with150-mm lower sills, which offered above all the youngest travellersa better view of railway operations not yet dominated by sound protectionwalls. In six years, more than 1,000 welded C and 145 BC waggonswere built before further advances in the form of skirted passengerwaggons made more improvements possible. The war scattered expresstrain waggons across half of Europe, with larger stocks outside Germanrailway operators, for instance at ÖBB, SNCF and PKP. These waggonsremained invaluable in regional transport for DB and DR up to the lateseventies, reaching an age of over forty years. They were also usedinternationallyinto the sixties, travelling as far as Scandinavia and theBalkans. There were many conversions, for instance into sleeping,buffetand semi-luggage carriages. On the occasion of the anniversaryin 1985, DB put together an entire train from several different typesof express wagon. Unfortunately, these waggons are today spread overseveral locations and hardly any are operable.
• Road no.: 33 698 Nür
• Interior Lighting
• Coupler pocket and close coupling
• With interior fittings
• AC pick-up can be retrofitted
• Replacement wheel set for AC