- Precise replica of the bogies
- In-plane assembled windows
- True-to-epoch interior fittings
- Prepared for interior lighting
- Printed window frames
- Elastic rubber bulge
- NEM-standard short coupling
- Replica of the air heating system in the car floor
- Alternator on bogie separately mounted
- Free-standing handrails
- Individually mounted steps
- Free-standing anti-roll support on the pivot mounting
- Interior fittings in multi-color painting
- Exact replica of the "Gorlitz V" pivot mountings
Since 1976, the DR had operated the "City Express" trains that enabled afast one-day connection between the district capitals and Berlin. Destinationsdeviating from the system were Meiningen as an alternate stationfor train parking and Zwickau as an important industrial centre. Of courseboth railway stations served the respective governmental centres Suhl, Erfurt,Halle and Karl-Marx-Stadt, although there were no other intermediatestops for these trains. The trains were formed from 1st and 2nd classcoaches of the Y/B 70 type, 103 of which had been taken over "all ofa sudden" by the DR from the Bautzen wagon building plant. Originally,they had been ordered by the National Czechoslovakian Railways (CSD)but could not been taken delivery of due to financing problems. As thetrains and their operational concept soon enjoyed great popularity, theDR needed further coaches as a reinforcement and operating reserve inthe early 80ies.