HO, N, TT Scale Layouts & Layout Kits

The 'Schonmuhlen' is a well accepted middle size layout with 2 circuits The tracks travel over 2 bridges and through 2 tunnels. Especially attractive is the village with a prefectly situated water mill. The small lake is situated at the edge of town to cool off in. One road leads to the train station and the other into a valley. You add the NOCH water pump to allow real water to flow into mill and turn the wheel. A passing siding and a storage track for your freight goods is also on the layout. Delivery Form: - Basic colours and grass applied - Mounted on stable wood frame - vorgeschnittene Tunnelunterlagen - H0 Bridge Kit - Track Plan for: Marklin C, Marklin Metall, Marklin K, Fleischmann Model, Fleischmann Profi, Roco-Line, Piko A-Track, TT-Model Track, N Scale KATO Unitrack Set 79710 Please pay attention: Extremely long wagons might cause problems in narrow curve sections because of the overhang. As all preformed layouts feature also the smallest radius of each manufacturer, long wagons might brush against the terrain, the tunnel entrances and exits as well as on bridges.

Layouts & Layout Kits
No longer available from the manufacturer
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Winter in Germany