Translated Description from PIKO: New for 2021/2022: The latest decoder generation from PIKO, the PIKO SmartDecoder XP 5.1 - PSD XP 5.1 for short - offers the passionate model railroader a wealth of attractive features - support of all common data formats (e.g. RailComPlus, Motorola) - plug & play for uncomplicated and quick registration at suitable digital centers- auto-adaptive motor control- extended function mapping up to F68- decoder-internal bidirectional coupling for sound-dependent control of the motor as well as individual function outputs- special sound experiences over 8 channels with a duration of up to 8 minutes- innovative power management for trouble-free journeys - Improved temperature distribution for a longer service life of the PSD XP 5.1 - Support of all common braking distance modes as well as ABC slow travel and ABC automatic shuttle train