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To meet the ever-increasing thirst for mobility in the economic miracle of 1950s Germany, in 1955, the Bayerischen Motorenwerke presented the two-seater 'MotoCoupe'' BMW Isetta. Known as a 'bubble car' because of its egg shape and bubble-like windows, the much-loved micro-car from Munich was powered by a 12 hp motor cycle engine. During the period of production, from 1955 to 1962, a total of 161,360 Isettas were produced.
EDITION 1:43 presents firm favourites in the most popular of all scales. SCHUCO's attention to detail and quality is second to none, be it finely modelled wing mirrors, aerials, windscreen wipers or working door handles. Each EDITION 1:43 model is therefore a unique and high-quality replica of a classic vintage car.